William (Wim)
_______________________________Educational background
(Free Reeds)
1977-83 Sweelinck Conservatory,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Graduate degree in Music Education.
1985 Sweelinck Conservatory,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Graduate degree in Music Performance
1985-86 Post graduate work,
University of Denver, USA.
1992 Music educational degree
(electronic music), Netherlands.
1997 Received the first
degree in classical (English) concertina, Netherlands.
1998 M.M. Ed. Belgium
1992-2000 Extensive long
and short term studies in musical instrument
construction and development, free reed acoustics, reed design, CAD/CAM,
tool making, restoration techniques.
2000-2007 Research
and development of different reed scalings and air flow
Workshops, Lectures
1985-2003 faculty member of
several schools of music in the Netherlands,
Belgium and USA.
Developed and taught the
concertina program at state music schools
and the Fonthys University in
the Netherlands.
Concertina and free reed
workshops and lectures in the Europe and the USA.
1992-2005 Developed educational
programs and materials, ranging from work plans for amateur and
professional free reed programs, to ensemble programs. As an arranger and
composer, produced music for theatre programs and for
a variety of other
ensembles. Most recently, wrote the
popular tutors for the English Jackie/Jack concertina, the Rochelle anglo
concertina, and the Elise Duet concertina, which are used worldwide.
1995-2007 Published articles
on concertina history and free reeds in several periodicals.
1985-2004 Performed extensively
in a wide variety of musical styles, ranging from
pop music to theatre
productions, chamber music and as a (classical) soloist.
As a concertinist:
concerts, recitals and lectures in Europe and the USA,
specializing in the
original 19th and 20th classical
repertoire for the English
Premiered many 19th
century and contemporary compositions for the
concertina in Europe and
the USA.
2001 Recorded the Concerto for
Concertina and Orchestra by James Cohn for
XLNT records, and premiered
this concerto in New York in 2003.
Maker and Restorer
English: W-E1 |
W-E2 |
W-E3 | W-E4 |
Parnassus | W-B51
W-A1 | W-A2 |
W-A3 | W-A4 |
W-A5 | W-A6
| Oversight |
W-H1 | W-H2 | W-W1 |
W-W2 | W-C2 |
Bellows | Finish
| Wood choice | Trim
Technical: Making of an Anglo |
Reeds | Custom:
Customizing |
Custom Made |
Projects |
Ordering |
Testimonials | Contact |
Biography |
Wakker Concertinas is a
subsidiary of the Concertina Connection Inc. Copyright © 2009-2012
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